Friday, April 23, 2010


So I am sitting here listening to my baby cry. it is so heartbreaking, every time i hear it. I am a babywise follower, not so strict but allow him to crya nd put himself to sleep, he is sleeping through the night most nights, anywhere from 7 1/2 to nine hours and takes about a 5 hour nap in the middle of the day and like 3 or 4 other little cat naps. i know when heis on the schedule he is happier. i love this book. it keeps our life and family scheduled, my baby is happier and we all get sleep. its perfect because it gives us structure mixed in with flexibility. people always say that you dehydrate your baby. a mother should know if their baby is not getting enough and if they are not, then feed them more. its not rocket science. and it even says in the book stuff about growth spurts, when your baby wants to eat more and sleep more and about how if your baby gets hungry before scheduled time then feed him, sheesh, dont starve your children but i think a lot of it has to do with knowing your babies cry to. i think that moms are the only ones who know what their babies really needs. after all your with them 24 hours daily. anyway, just though i would put my opionion. everybody made me feel like a bad mom because i just put ethan down for sleep time and sometimes he cries. but in the long run we are all happier for it. he sleeps better and longer when he cries then when he does not and the nights when he sleeps through the night, he is much happier the next morning. i just know my baby and what is best for him. maybe babywise isnt best for you but why does that make it the most terrible thing in the world. try it if you want to try it and dont if you dont and if you try it and dont like it then stop using it. thats just my opinion. sorry i get heated about things when people call me a bad mom.


  1. nope your not a bad mom, i let my babies cry too. it teaches them to self sooth. the way i think of it, is your teaching them things they will use for the rest of their lives....adults don't wake up because they need milk or to be rocked by mommy right? :)

  2. another thing i've learned since i've become a mom, is to take others opinions with a grain of salt. everyone has advice and opinions.

    (thats my opinion. ha!)
